Other Topics
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Labor Day Madness??
Maybe it's the origin of the holiday - - commemorating the accomplishments of organized labor. Labor unions have not been as active in the South as in some of the other parts of the country. Plus, the timing is a bit off - - Labor Day has traditionally been known as the "end of summer." Up North, it's the last weekend before school starts, and lots of families are finishing up their time at the "shore." In the South, however, schools have been in session for a couple of weeks already, and our fall schedules have already cranked up.
It's still quite hot and humid, of course, so that tends to put a damper on our festive spirits a bit. So just kick back with some neighbors or friends and enjoy a cookout by the lake this weekend. For upcoming Fall Festivals, check out my website TheLakeWylieMan.com!
Thanks for reading my blog! For Lake Wylie, Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and Tega Cay Events and Activities, please visit my website, TheLakeWylieMan.com. Your source for Lake Wylie waterfront real estate and more!
Friday, August 29, 2008
High Water
This year, the lake levels are the highest I've seen in years! Many floating docks are level with the piers, and I've heard of many items floating away. In fact, yesterday I went on a rescue mission to help someone retrieve their boat which had simply floated off of its lift!
That being said, let me caution everyone that the lake can be dangerous this weekend. With the recent rain & increase in water levels, there is a LOT of debris in the water. Things that have been along the shoreline have floated into the channel & coves. Some things (branches, paddle boats, everything you can imagine) may be just under the surface. Waterskiing, tubing, and boating can be VERY hazardous in this situation.
If you do choose to go out on the water, please go slow and watch out for debris and underwater hazards. Be careful around "islands" - - connectors between the "mainland" and "islands" that are normally very visible may be covered with water now.
Have a safe & fun Labor Day weekend!
Thanks for reading my blog! For more blogs about Lake Wylie Events and Activities, Lake Wylie waterfront living & resources, and Lake Wylie real estate, visit The Lake Wylie Man website!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New Museum on Catawba River
The museum's three strongest resources will be 1) The Catawba River, 2) local culture and crossroads, and 3) education about sustainability offered in the Kanawha community.
The Kanawha community, being developed along the banks of the Catawba River, is a unique community grounded planned design and environmental awareness. It is to be a place where "educational, social and cultural activities are an integral part of life." Community gardens, hiking trails, green space, pedestrian oriented shopping and dining will all be a part of this area.
More than ever, the Catawba River is vital to our community. I am excited about these new developments that will promote conservation awareness and efforts to preserve our natural resources!
Thanks for reading my blog! For Lake Wylie, Rock Hill, Fort Mill, and Tega Cay Events and Activities, please visit my website, TheLakeWylieMan.com. Your source for Lake Wylie waterfront real estate and more!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Taking the Back Roads

My father was always in a race against the clock to arrive at his destination. “Just took us 4 hours and 23 minutes this year,” he’d brag. If I was lucky enough to get in the car driven by my grandfather, however, I could be assured a stop at a fruit stand to pick up some fresh peaches, and a stop at a roadside ice cream hut as well.
This year as I drove, I passed many of the same landmarks that I remember from years ago. Some were still standing, some were crumbling. Rest stops were still tough to find. Forget about pay-at-the-pump. While bait and Mountain Dew's were readily available along the route, working rest rooms and good coffee were not!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Bass Tournament returns to Lake Wylie
If you had told me a few years ago that I'd be "stoked" about a bass tournament on Lake Wyie, I would have thought you a bit loo-loo. About four years ago, however, the Bassmasters tournament held an event at Lake Wylie, and it was pretty darn exciting!
I was co-owner of the Dilworth Coffeeshop at the time, and some of the fine folks at T-bonz recommended us to ESPN to cater their coffee service. It involved delivering coffee in the wee hours of the morning, and making sure their sleepy-headed technicians never ran out of caffeine.
Quite honestly, we hadn't done much catering at that point, and managed to bluff our way through the price quotes, determining food quantity, and all the other things that go along with handling such an event. We must have done okay, because they called us back the next year to cater another event!
It turned out to be more fun than I imagined. The first day was primarily set up and prep. The ESPN trailers were equipped with video equipment and monitoring stations. Each bass boat had a GPS that could be tracked for location. As the contestants caught fish, the weight and location were almost instantly available on the internet.
The morning of the competition arrived, and after we set the coffee up in the trailers, we joined the crowd to watch the launching. All of the bass boats arrived together, in a long parade that originated at the Charlotte Coliseum. As we watched from the landing near T-Bonz in the pre-dawn darkness (did I mention it was EARLY??), the trucks rolled across the bridge, with the boats all lit up. I was jumping up and down like a kid at a parade!
"Watch out," said someone beside me. "It's about to be on like a pot of chicken necks!"
Chicken necks indeed. My thoughts exactly?
The boats were launched one by one, then with a starting signal, they were off like a band of Nascar racers. The noise! The waves! I could sense the fish trembling!
TBF (The Bass Federation) National Championship has announced that the bass tournament will return to Lake Wylie. If you can get your sleepy head out of bed, it is definitely worth the effort to see the launch! Just make sure to grab a good cup of coffee along the way!
Find more Lake Wylie Events and Activities at David Coone's website, TheLakeWylieMan.com. Your source for Lake Wylie waterfront real estate and more!
The New Lake Wylie Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Storm on Lake Wylie
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Report from the Boat Show

I started out looping around the perimeter of the show, where various vendors display such things as docking options, boat covers, wakeboards, and services. I was very impressed with the "touchless" boat covers - - canopies that are suspended above a boat lift and drape over the boat. Most of them are remote controlled; they roll up when not in use, then unroll to cover the boat when you're ready to put it away for the evening. Anyone who has attempted to quickly snap on a boat cover as a thunderstorm rolls in can certainly see the appeal of an automatic boat cover that literally covers the boat in seconds.
Also on the perimeter were various information booths with maps, safety guides, and boating courses. I've assembled many of these resources on my website, Lake Resources on the Community Links page: Lake Wylie Waterfront Resources
Of course I checked out the boats at the Boat Show as well. It's fun to see the new models, and board some of the luxury cruisers. The largest I saw was a 45' Sea Ray Sundance, which featured two private bedrooms, two baths, a living area with electronic toys galore, and a kitchen with granite countertops. Granite countertops on a boat! Regular price was $728,000, but if you bought it on a whim at the boat show, you could walk away with it for just $530,000. "Hi honey, guess what I bought!"
Dare to dream.
If you're dreaming about living on Lake Wylie and enjoying life on the water, give me a call. For all of your real estate needs, visit my website: Lake Wylie Waterfront Real Estate
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Getting Around in Lake Wylie

Have you ever asked for directions from Charlotte to places around Lake Wylie? Quite likely, you received an answer such as "Go across the Buster Boyd Bridge, drive a couple of miles, then turn left onto Hwy 49. Then, when you get to Five Points, hang a right onto . . ."
Now, first of all, you never saw anything that identifies Buster Boyd Bridge. There are lots of bridges in the area. How do you know Buster Boyd's??
Then, you were ON highway 49 coming from Charlotte. Why would you have to turn to get onto Hwy 49? And where was this Five Points, anyway? Five Points would generally describe a place where five roads (not four, not three) would come together at one point.
I remember asking directions one time while in Yadkin County, North Carolina. I was told to go just past the place where Jim's Grill used to be, then cut back on the dirt road. That was really great, since I had no idea where Jim's Grill USED to be, and I didn't know what "cut back" meant. Left? Right? Reverse? Who knew.
So - - allow me to enlighten you on getting around in Lake Wylie. First of all, the Buster Boyd Bridge. It USED to be a grand thing (see picture above, courtesey of the Lake Wylie Pilot.) It was a bridge that joined North & South Carolina, just past what now is The Palisades on Highway 49. Buster Boyd was a farmer who used to own the land in that area, and the bridge was named after him. The two lane bridge was torn down and replaced by the 4-lane, rather ordinary looking bridge, around 2001. It was sad to lose such a landmark, but commuters are much happier now! As far as I know, there is no sign that identifies the bridge as "Buster Boyd", but we all still call it by that name.
As for turning left on Highway 49 . . . if I remember correctly, the road used to curve around the intersection of Hwy 49, Hwy 274, and Hwy 557. That area was actually called "Three Points", and sometimes still is. When the shopping centers with Food Lion and Bi-Lo were built, an intersection was redesigned with a traffic light. Highway 49 now turns left at that intersection. Of course, some people traveling to York on Hwy 49 sort of miss that turn and end up in Clover. I've done it several times myself!
The highway around "Five Points" has been redesigned a couple of times in the past ten or fifteen years. Lake Wylie Road, Hwy 274, Hwy 55, and Hwy 49 north and south used to converge right in front of North's Grocery. The most recent redesign added an intersection, so there are now two traffic lights rather close together. Don't try to do the math, just know that we describe that area as "Five Points".
Hopefully that clears things up a bit! If you really want to start sounding like a local (with or without the Southern accent), go ahead and start incorporating these "used to be" landmarks into your conversations and directions. If nothing else, the recipients of these directions will get a lovely tour of our countryside!
For local expertise on the Lake Wylie area, information on events and activities, and resources for Lake Wylie real estate, please visit my website: Lake Wylie Waterfront Real Estate
Friday, January 18, 2008
Clover schools win Palmetto Award
For 2007, Crowder's Creek Elementary won the Gold award for the seventh year in a row. Way to go! Bethany Elementary and Bethel Elementary also won the Gold award for 2007. Kinard Elementary earned the Silver award, a designation given to schools with a "Good" rating and no unsatisfactory scores.
Winning schools are awarded a portion of $3 million in state funds, which is used to fund projects that a school may not otherwise afford.
The staff and faculty are very pleased and proud of these awards. The effort of the teachers in obtaining advanced certification definitely contributes to the excellence that is required to earn the Palmetto awards.
To see report cards on all area schools, visit my website: Lake Wylie Schools
For other real estate information in the Lake Wylie area, visit my website Lake Wylie Real Estate